Turning to the visuals, which become more telling just as the audio timeline ends, there's a much clearer picture here (pun intended). The final piece of the audio timeline is clearly the events of Mass Effect 3 – the unforgettable sound of a Reaper attack blares, and then at 00:50 someone says "we've lost contact." Afterwards, there's some difficult to makeout dialogue, but it certainly sounds like some familiar voices. So, Ark 6 could be referencing the delayed Quarian Ark ship, or it could be talking about Nexus. Only five of them are called "arks," however, as the sixth is the Nexus, Andromeda's version of the Citadel. In Andromeda, which takes place between Mass Effect 2 and 3, six ships make a perilous journey across a void between galaxies. We get a Mass Effect Andromeda reference in "Ark 6 is away". At 00:20 we hear what sounds like "Arcturus station, unknown vessel approach," which could represent the First Contact War, when humans and turians warred before the events of Mass Effect. There's a War of the Worlds clip, from when alien invasion was just fiction, then the moon landing, when space travel became reality. The first full minute of audio plays like a Mass Effect lore/history lesson. We've been told by Michael Gamble himself to look and listen carefully to the nearly two-minute teaser trailer, and we can glean quite a bit from doing both.